ESIA and RAP for Upgrading Kitgum-Kidepo Road (115.8km)

The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) plans to upgrade the 115.8 km Kitgum – Kidepo Road. It has been determined that the existing first-class gravel road will no-longer be able to serve the increasing traffic volumes between Kitgum and the Kidepo Valley National Park (KVNP) and beyond to South Sudan. The condition of the road has greatly deteriorated with a worn away and lacerated carriageway, non-existent shoulders, and blocked drainage especially in the hilly section irrespective of the ongoing periodic maintenance. Culverts have deteriorated significantly reducing road serviceability during the rainy season. In its current state, the road is not able to support year-round tourism and cross border connectivity and economic development and further presents safety concerns.

The Project is to be developed by ASGC UK Limited in collaboration with DOTT Services Limited, a reputed engineering and construction service provider in East Africa. Environmental Solutions Africa (ESA) is working with Tenvicon to prepare the Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). The scope of this assignment also includes closing the gaps identified in the Environmental and Social
Due Diligence and subsequent Environmental and Social Action Plan developed by WSP, who were appointed as the Independent Environmental and Social Consultant (IESC) to assess the compliance of the Project’s ESIA and RAP.


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