Construction Environment, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) Services for Atari Irrigation Project

The Zenitaka Corporation is the contractor for The Project for The Development of Irrigation System in Atari Basin Area in Kween and Bulambuli districts. The following facilities will be constructed.

  1. Intake or Head Work Structure.
  2. Concrete lined Main and Secondary Irrigation Canals
  3. Earth lined tertiary Irrigation canals.
  4. Drainage canal
  5. River Dyke
  6. Land Re-organization (Model farm)
  7. Operation and Maintenance roads.

Tenvicon has been contracted for 2 years (2024-2026) to deliver the following services to the Contractor:

  1. Provide HSE staffing (Environmental Specialist, Safety Engineer, Sociologist and Site Nurse)
  2. Environmental Management Plan
  3. Environment Monitoring Plan
  4. Health and Safety Plan
  5. Baseline Assessment for Fauna, Flora, Air quality, Noise, Water quality and Soil
  6. Quarterly monitoring reports for Fauna, Flora, Air quality, Noise, Water quality and Soil
  7. Quarterly HIV/AIDS Sensitization + Awareness + VCT reports
  8. Quarterly Gender mainstreaming and sensitization activities reports
  9. Biannual Water Monitoring Reports (Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus)
  10. Construction ESHS Completion Report.



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